Date: 26th and 27th of October 2021 (Tuesday and Wednesday)
Location: LMU München, Frauenlobstr. 7A – Room to be determined
Tuesday 26th
Arrival by 13:00
13:00-13:45 Light Lunch on side (“Belegte Brötchen”)
13:45-14:15 Introduction round (30 sec per person)
14:30-15:00 Talk: Challenges in ML (Sven Mayer)
15:00-15:30 Talk: Physiological Sensing (Thomas Kosch)
15:30-16:00 Break, meeting new people
16:00-17:30 PhD Research Talks (5 Min Presentation, 5 Min Discussion) dual track
17:45-18:15 Invited Talk: Shared Control (Florian Michahelles, TU Wien)
18:15-18:30 Getting Interns, e.g. RISE, (Fiona Draxler)
18:45-20:00 Pitches: Creating Shared Artifacts (Sketching with HW)
from 20:00 Demos and Pizza (including Sketching with HW)
… enjoy Munich (ask us for places to go 🙂
Wednesday 27th
09:00-10:30 PhD Research Talks (5 Min Presentation, 5 Min Discussion) dual track
10:30-11:00 Break, meeting new people
11:00-11:45 Talk/Tutorial: Statistics (Robin Welsch)
11:45-13:00 breakout sessions, special interest groups
13:00-13:15 Wrap-up
13:00-14:00 Pick a group and go for lunch (self-payed)
On Tuesday morning as well as on Wednesday afternoon there are rooms available for individual meetings
Participants… mainly PhD Students