Conversations on Mixed Reality – Technologies for Health and Wellbeing

In this series of conversations we will talk with experts about virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR). We will look at research challenges, technologies, and applications of VR/AR/MR. We will also question how such technologies can be used to create a positive impact on our health and wellbeing.

We will have a set of exciting guests in this group of conversations organized by Steeven Villa, Katrin Wolf, and Albrecht Schmidt and Moderated by Katrin Wolf and Albrecht Schmidt. We also hope that the audience will engage in the conversations.

Albrecht Schmidt
Katrin Wolf

Nov 10th, 2020Designing Digital Tools for Managing Mental HealthRegan Mandryk
Nov 17th, 2020What does it take to make AR and VR usable and useful?Andy Wilson
Nov 24th, 2020XR for Everybody: Empowering new design participantsMichael Nebeling
Dec. 1st, 2020 Empathic Computing – Novel Concepts for Collaborative InterfacesMark Billinghurst (empathiccomputing)
Dec. 8th, 2020Can social VR make us happy?Eva Wolfangel (@evawolfangel)
Dec. 15th, 2020 Inbodied Interactionm.c. schraefel
Dec. 22th, 2020 X-Mas Special
Digital Gifts – Ideas and Discussion
Daniela Petrelli
Digital Materiality Lab
Jan. 12th, 2021The transformative power of virtual realityMel Slater
Jan. 19th, 2021Mixed reality for careSusanne Boll
Jan. 26th, 2021Changing Self-Perception through Avatar DesignNiels Henze and Valentin Schwindt
Feb. 2nd, 2021Extended Reality in SurgeryIgor Sauer
Feb. 9th, 2021Digital Health and Wellness Marilyn Lennon
Feb. 16th, 2021When does AR get creepy: Helping or hindering healthcare?Yvonne Rogers

These talks are also part of our advanced HCI lecture at LMU.

The format is modeled on the conversations held by Orit Shaer and Andrew Kun on the future of work

The conversations bring together the work, ideas, and people from different projects, including:

DFG Illusionary Surface Interfaces (as part of SPP 2199: Scalable Interaction Paradigms for Pervasive Computing Environments)

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